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Lyn-Ann Nelson


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SOE Tokens - STOKENS ($t.)


Salt Of the Earth (SOE) Tokens - Stokens ($t.) – are virtual, non-fungible tokens, which live on top of the private SOE Global Network Blockchain. Removing scarcity from SOE Global Network’s currency means that unlike typical digital currencies (a.k.a. cryptocurrencies), there is no finite amount of stokens. This ensures that annual increases in the total amount of stokens needing to be created to provide for the entire network, can be done with speed, efficiency, and minimal resource requirements.


Between conception, and launch, SOE was introduced to the principle of tying its tokens into nature. Since a Digital Currency is the only way to ensure a living wage for all, and an organic, self-reliant, Food Supply, is vital to our survival “off-grid”, it is only logical to use one, to assure the other. Which, in turn, assures those who are skeptical of digital currencies, and require something tangible, for their own peace-of-mind. This makes the SOE Token – Stoken ($t.), a commodity-backed NFT.  By tying SOE’s currency to nature, daily commerce now serves a double purpose:


1. Provides a medium of exchange for goods, and services.


2. Places a focus on planning, and building, the resources needed in our communities, for both survival, and autonomy. 


Linked to every digital Stoken Wallet is a physical Address Mailbox – after all, every address has one. And, each Address Mailbox, as it belongs to an address in a community, is connected to a Community Garden, or Community Farm, which is where the Tree, or Plant, that is attached to both the physical Address Mailbox, and digital Stoken Wallet, is housed. As of 2021, each flower/fruit, or usable material on, or in, said Tree, or Plant, is worth twenty-five stokens (25$t.) – amounts are reviewed annually. So long as, each week, the Tree, or Plant, contains/produces usable material which is worth the same, or more, in stokens ($t.), as the individual’s weekly Basic Living Currency (B.L.C.) amount, that individual’s stoken-worth is considered verified, for that week. And, keep in mind, Community Gardens, and Farms, are tended, and manged, by local Gardeners, and Farmers.


2021 Example: In the case of a lemon tree, if your weekly B.L.C. is eleven hundred stokens (1,100$t.), then each week your lemon tree needs to maintain/have on it, or needs to have produced, a minimum of forty-four (44) lemons. Your lemon tree is, of course, tended/maintained by the local Gardeners, and Farmers, in your community.

Yes, this does mean that when/if you change addresses, you both give up your old Tree, or Plant, and adopt, or plant (in the case of a new development), the new Tree, or Plant, associated with your new Address Mailbox.


Just as there can be many persons residing in one household, there can be a maximum of twelve (12) digital Stoken Wallets linked to the same physical Address Mailbox, with a corresponding number of Trees, and/or Plants. Twelve (12) is also the same maximum number of persons permitted in Stoken Draws. Similarly, just as they do now, each Tenant in a residential building, has their own physical Address Mailbox, which is also linked to a corresponding Tree, or Plant.


Physical Businesses are verified by both their physical building - recognized as a 'Community Resource', and by the produce from the Tree(s), or Plant(s), linked to their business’ physical Address Mailbox, and digital Stoken Wallet. Online Businesses are verified by the physical produce from the Tree(s), or Plant(s), linked to their business’ Community-Virtual Address Mailbox(es), and digital Stoken Wallet.

Stokens are created - during SOE Council meetings, at specific times each year - by an algorithm which determines, according to previous records, how many total stokens need to be produced. SOE Council Chancellors may accept that figure, or increase it – as they cannot go below the algorithm-determined figure. Stokens also have the advantage of eliminating the additional step of verification, as each transaction on SOE Global Network’s Blockchain is instantaneous, which is significantly less cumbersome than traditional digital currencies.


SOE Global Network's Blockchain Distributed Ledger is made publicly accessible to all in the SOE Global Network, so that users can even search for specific transactions, via a search bar, and tool. Additionally, just like the SOE Council, and SOE Global Network Diplomats, anyone world-wide, in the SOE Global Network, can opt to be connected to the blockchain as nodes – allowing them to receive automatic notifications every time the SOE Global Network Blockchain is updated.

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