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Salt Of the Earth Foundation


SOE Ambassadors

SOE Council

SOE Council Chancellors are at the top of the SOE Global Network Hierarchy, reporting only, and directly, to the SOE Board of Shareholders (B.o.S.). SOE Council Chancellors attend SOE Council Meetings, but spend much of their time approving, or denying, requests for SOE Global Network Diplomatic Status, as well as receiving, and reviewing, reports, and other correspondences. As the SOE Council operates like a Think Tank, all SOE Council Chancellors are Intrapreneurs – creatives/inventors, by nature - and actively contribute new business ventures to the SOE Global Network. 

New SOE Council Chancellors are nominated by one current SOE Council Chancellor, (each Chancellor makes a nomination of their own, or ‘seconds’ the nomination of another Chancellor), and then nominees are elected via SOE Council-consensus. SOE Council Chancellor-Elects must pass Professional, Personal Character & Ethics, Criminal, and Financial, background checks.


Among other things, SOE Council Chancellor-Elects cannot be:

  1. Employed by any company in the SOE Global Network

  2. Under 30 years of age


SOE Council Chancellor-Elects, along with a myriad of other qualifications, must have:

  1. The high I.Q. expected of all SOE Council Chancellors, and served as an SOE Global Network First Chancellor-Designate for a minimum of five (5) years

  2. Entrepreneurial interests and experience - as all SOE Council Chancellors contribute new business ventures to the SOE Global Network


The six (6) SOE Foundation Council Chancellor positions are as follows:


1st Seat: Corporate Council Chancellor (Corporate Strategy expert)

2nd Seat: Economic Analysis & Treasury Council Chancellor (Economy & Financial expert)

3rd Seat: Technology Council Chancellor (Technology & Blockchain expert)

4th Seat: Legal Council Chancellor (Legal expert; monitors needs for Foundation By-Law updates etc.)

5th Seat: Personnel & Historian Council Chancellor (Human Resource & History expert)

6th Seat: Public Relations Council Chancellor (Media/Public Image & Relations expert)


While the SOE Council is the body which creates stokens – the SOE Global Network currency - no single Chancellor on the SOE Council has the ability to create even a single stoken on their own. Stokens are created during SOE Council Meetings at specific times each year. An algorithm determines, according to previous records, how many total stokens need to be created. SOE Council Chancellors may accept that figure, or increase it – as they cannot go below the algorithm-determined figure.


Once a total amount of stokens has been collectively agreed upon, all SOE Council Chancellors are required to 'push a button' at the same time. Should any SOE Council Chancellor be unable to fulfill this duty, their Chancellor-Designates, in chronological order of Seat number, will be given a one-time/temporary code, which is to be entered at the same time as the other SOE Council Chancellors, during the meeting. Temporary access codes are deactivated after use, and never recycled.


Once created, stokens get deposited into the Citizens Stoken Storage Unit (C.S.S.U.), of each of the various countries in the SOE Global Network, which is from where all stokens for Basic Living Currencies, Stoked-Stash Draws, and Stoken Boosts, are taken.



SOE Chancellor Designates:


After serving as an SOE Global Network Ambassador-at-Large for a minimum of five (5) years, SOE Global Network Ambassadors can be elected to hold Interim SOE Council Seats, thereby allowing for the honorific of Chancellor-Designate to precede their title. SOE Chancellor-Designates fall under three (3) ranks: First, Second, and Third. And as they are slotted to occupy the Seat of a Chancellor, the seat number is built into the title: i.e. First Chancellor-Designate for the 1st Seat; Second Chancellor-Designate for the 1st Seat; Third Chancellor-Designate for the 1st Seat; First Chancellor-Designate for the 2nd Seat; Second Chancellor-Designate for the 2nd Seat, etc.


First Chancellor-Designate


Interim SOE Council Seat-holder should the current SOE Council Chancellor for the same Seat become unable to fulfill their SOE Council duties for any reason, including, but not limited to: personal leave or vacation; family emergency; illness; incapacitation; or in the case of SOE Council Deadlock, or Chancellor death.


Second Chancellor-Designate


Interim SOE Council Seat-holder should the First Chancellor-Designate for the same Seat be unable to fulfill their duties as Interim Council Seat-holder, for any reason, including, but not limited to: personal leave or vacation; family emergency; illness; incapacitation, or death.


Third Chancellor-Designate


Interim SOE Council Seat-holder should the Second Chancellor-Designate for the same Seat be unable to fulfill their duties as Interim Council Seat-holder, for any reason, including, but not limited to: personal leave or vacation; family emergency; illness; incapacitation, or death.

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