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Lyn-Ann Nelson

To SOE Council

SOE Shareholders

Salt Of the Earth (SOE) Foundation was conceptualized by one (1) Canadian female – referred to as the Original Founder- who then reached out to, and remotely joined forces with, a few other individuals. Later, many more people were remotely working on creating various parts of SOE’s structure – none of whom knew one another, as they only corresponded with the Original Founder


From the very beginning, it was decided, and declared, that the group of Creators would be narrowed down, and/or new members would be added, in order to assemble a governing SOE Foundation Council of six (6) individuals with specific talents and skill-sets, who would handle day-to-day SOE Foundation operations, in exchange for a salary.


Those six (6) Council positions were named Chancellors in the SOE Foundation By-Laws. Those By-Laws also declared that the majority of the Creators, those who were not named ‘Chancellors’ - who all worked on SOE's development out-of-pocket – were now named silentanonymousSOE Global Network Shareholders, entitled to SOE Shareholder Profit Shares. In lieu of Shareholder status with Shareholder Profit Shares, the Original Founder chose to become an SOE Global Network Diplomat, earning an SOE Global Network Diplomat's salary.


SOE Foundation is officially an independent blockchain organization - which does not need to adhere to a conventional management or financial infrastructure, and can be created with no beneficial owners - making SOE Foundation an ownerless-structure, existing in perpetuity.


The, SOE Foundation-ownedSOE Global Network, is owned by one Consensus Share, as opposed to 'majority shares'. This means that all SOE Global Network Shareholders hold equal shares, and all shares have equal value.


SOE Global Network Diplomats - the SOE Council, and the SOE Ambassadors-at-Large who remotely correspond with, and report directly to, them - do not know SOE Global Network Shareholders by name, but by their unique SOE Global Network Shareholder Serial  Number (SSN). This 'anonymity' is by design, for the ongoing security of the network. Similarly, SOE Global Network Shareholders - who also do not know one another - have access to the same SOE Global Network Shareholder Serial Number List (SSN List).

To maintain SOE Global Network Shareholder anonymity, the SOE Foundation By-Laws state that all SOE Global Network Shareholders must register three (3) non-related, or associated, by: blood; marriage; adoption; or power of attorney, SOE Nominee-Shareholders (S.N.S.), known only to the individual SOE Global Network Shareholder who registered them via Smart-Contract.


The S.N.S. will, in order of nomination, and acceptance of the position, succeed them (the current SOE Global Network Shareholder), at their time of passing, or in the case of incapacitation. SOE Council Chancellors, SOE Global Network Diplomats, and all SOE Global Network Embassy staff, are prohibited from becoming, or ever having been, SOE Global Network Shareholders.


While all adults 18 years+ in the SOE Global Network receive a weekly B.L.C., regardless of their employment status - SOE Diplomats, and Shareholders, alike - SOE Global Network Shareholders are prohibited from participating in stoken draws, and/or from applying for stoken boosts of any kind. 

Even though all SOE Global Network Shareholders hold equal shares in each SOE-owned company in the SOE Global Network, not all Shareholders choose to become active members on the Board of Shareholders (B.O.S.) of each SOE-owned SOE Affiliated Company (SAC) in the SOE Global Network.


Each project - Business Theory - submitted to the SOE Global Network Shareholders at large, by either an SOE Ambassador, or the SOE Council Chancellors, requires a minimum of three (3) Shareholders who, after thorough review of the submission, sign-up to be Active Members, in order to form a Board-of-Shareholders’, which would then approve the project/'Business Theory' for launch.


Profit-Earning SOE-owned SAC Quarterly Profit Share Breakdown:

(NON-Profit SOE-owned SACs include: Schools; Hospitals; Shelters etc.)


                        ~ 25% SOE Community Causes

        ~ 20% SOE Shareholder Profit Shares (Theorist Ambassador = 5%; SOE Foundation = 5%; Shareholders = 10%)

                    ~ 5% SAC Board of Directors & Employees (B.o.D. = 1%; Employees = 4%)

                    ~ 50% Back into SAC

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