Lyn-Ann Nelson
Societal, Cultural, and/or Religious, Pressures to Condemn a Society with Free-Flowing Currency
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By: Santana M., SOE Global Network Embassy-News Division
There are many cultures, and by extension, societies, whose laws, and social savior-faire, are rooted in religious beliefs. As such, I’m going to make the religious aspect for the condemnation of a free-flowing-currency-society, my main focus in this article.
My parents died when I was an infant, and so, I was raised by my mother’s parents, who inherited me when they were both in their early-fifties. Thirty years later, I announced, to my eighty-something year-old grand-parents, that I would be joining the SOE ‘movement’, which believed in free-flowing currency for all members of society, so that civilians are not herded, like cattle, into a work-consuming-life existence.
I compare the memory of that announcement, to a prisoner standing before a Death-Squad. My grand-parents were quite verbal in their contempt for the creation of a society in which people could actively choose to live their lives, without ever doing any actual work. Religious verbiage - about how 'man is judged by his good, or bad, works in the world' - started coming at me, with the rapid-fire-precision of an automatic weapon.
Now, even though my Catholic grand-parents were my primary care-givers, I have aunts, uncles, and cousins-a-plenty, many of whom - due to my deceased mother, and all of her siblings, marrying other ethnicities - are of different religions. I, at my grand-parents' behest, attended Catholic schools, from Elementary, through Secondary levels. Still, having grown up around so many faiths, I found several synchronicities across them all. Among them, is the belief that one must, or should, be poor in order to truly be able to connect with The Divine.
Of all the religious beliefs I have eschewed over my lifetime - and there are numerous, the rejection of the ‘Declaration of Poverty’ is the one which most comes from my core. God, Source, the Divine Universe, what, or whom, ever you may call Him/Her/It, is abundance. To live, love, and give, with abundance, is to open yourself up to the energy of abundance, thus allowing more abundance to flow toward you.
I explained, to my grand-parents, my opinion: the real currency of earth, is now, and always has been, humans. On the surface – what is ethical, and legal, humans as currency, looks like human-labor. It is through human hands that the earth grows and thrives, or is demolished. It is humans who have 'dominion over the earth'. Beneath the surface – what is unethical, and mostly, illegal, humans as currency, takes on the form of human-trafficking, and enslavement. Legally speaking, traditional Capitalist societies have, cleverly, taken advantage of the abundance of (human) currency on the planet, by creating the Wage Labor.
The, wages-in-exchange-for-labor, system, was supposed to be a much better, and more “compassionate”, alternative to Slavery, or Indentured-Servitude. However, from the spawned wealth-gap, many, from the middle-class, to the destitute, would argue that the 'system' failed miserably in the area of compassion. What the Wage Labor did succeed in creating, was a system which not only distracted us from the fact that slavery never ended - the modern slave is the wage-slave, but it also created the, greed-fueled, Myth-of-Scarcity.
The Myth-of-Scarcity has taught us that since wealth is scarce, a surplus of wealth in one area, creates a deficit in another. Yet, most are groomed to tirelessly pursue riches, despite knowing that the richer they become, the poorer another, or many others, become. This is how the 'Haves', and the 'Have-Nots', classes of society, are maintained. And, since the Haves tend to live longer, seemingly, happier, lives than the Have-Nots, the pursuit of riches is perpetual: the 'Have-Nots' always seek to have; the 'Haves' always seek to have more.
Once acquired, most new 'Haves' are then taught that their wealth must be "stashed" away - often using shell corporations, tax havens, and other means - in order to protect it from the Have-Nots, who seek to take it for themselves. This puts the burden of restoring the wealth deficit back on the Have-Nots, which is how the, 'tax-the-poor', part of the system, is maintained.
This, selfish, hoarding of riches, is also why many religions condemn the pursuit of riches in the first place - which includes playing the lottery, and all other forms of gambling - as it is rooted in greed. Instead, it is a common religious belief that one must concentrate on the work itself, not on the riches which may be gained from it, while living meagerly, in order to ensure one does not become slave to the sin of greed.
Regardless as to whether the goal is to stash, or shun, riches, both teachings were birthed by the Myth-of-Scarcity . And, buying into said myth, is the so-called 'Poverty Mentality', of which many of the richest, and poorest, people in the world, are, unknowingly, afflicted. It sounds to me, like religions don't put care, or focus, on people being rich, or poor. It seems as though they advise us to, instead, put the focus on loving our work. And, on how said work can help our fellow man. So, to the 'poverty-mentality-prayer-pushers', I say this: "Humility, and poverty, are not synonyms." Hence, my adaptation of SOE’s belief in Abundance-for-All in this life-time, as opposed to hoping for abundance in the next life. If 'As Above; So Below', then, to live in abundance, is to live in Divine Alignment.
My grand-parents, and I, agree to dis-agree, as they still do not like what, they imagine, the world will look like, if one can freely choose not to work, yet still be able to provide for yourself, and your family. So, how will, 'financially-free-to-not-work', look? Well, since there is no record of it existing before - at least, not like this - we can only guess. For example, I think we can safely assume that 'menial' labor will become scarce. Which means reassigning menial work to be carried out mechanically, will be met with welcome, instead of rebellion, from the former "human-labor" force.
Such a move would allow technology to evolve at the same rate as the needs of human society – organically, thus eliminating the capitalistic race to be the first person, group, or company, to create technology which is so far-ahead of humanity, that it is propagated to be superior to, and can someday ”genetically-enhance”, or altogether replace, humans.
The automated work-force of the abundant future, will include new, clean-energy, inventions, coupled with improving, and making readily-available, the tried-and-true technology which already exists today, like: self-driving vehicles by land, sea, and air; search-and-rescue drones, and bots; ocean clean-up bots; robotic trash and recycle-collection; med-beds; robot-restaurant servers; conveyor-belt-style restaurant service; and self-cleaning toilets, sinks, shower-stalls, and bath-tubs - for example.
The automated work-force would exist to make daily life easier for all, as it would account for work which used to be done by the 'Have-Nots', in service to the 'Haves'. And, as most of the, now former, Have-Nots, were working for the money, not for love of the profession, or position - or even, love of, or for, their employers, the automated work-force would, indeed, become part of our new normal.
Similarly, with free-flowing currency will come a conscious-shift in our concept of 'menial labor', as one person's tedium, could be another's talent. You may consider cutting grass for a living, to be a "living nightmare." But, there are others who have a genuine love for gardening, and landscaping, and they would welcome the financial-freedom to be able to spend all day, everyday - or, as many days as they want, doing just that.
Such opportunities creates the space for what will become the Entrepreneur-Era, which would prove that despite the 'automated-worker-boom', certain, formerly-considered, 'menial' jobs, like Gardeners, will live on. So too, will Mixologists (Bartenders); Aestheticians; Hair, Make-Up, Nail, and Tattoo, Artists; Chefs, and Cooks; Farmers; Architects, Engineers, and select trades in the Construction Industry - just some examples of the professions for which people have true talent, and enough love, and passion, to pursue opening within these industries, their own, independent, businesses.
Of course, this does not eliminate the, religion-fueled, judgement on, and condemnation of, those who not only welcome, but begin to thrive, in the new, free-flowing-currency, society. But, just how will those, not-so-low-key, judgements, look, and sound? With the echo of familial voices in my head, this led to a few more guesses:
Fat & Lazy
The name stems from one of the first 'shots' I took when I stood before the Death Squad (a.k.a. my grand-parents): "Free money simply encourages people to become fat, and lazy." Despite the judge-y name, this category is for those who, rightfully, feel as though they’ve earned rest, and comfort. After coming from a generational line of laborers, and having had to work hard for a living, (for what was presumably the rest of their lives), these people plan to relax, enjoy life, and bask in the excess. Material stability, and symbols of wealth, will be acquired quickly, with the purchase of: homes; vehicles; clothing, and other possessions; eating out; and eating in excess.
Those in this category love the freedom of simply being, instead of doing, and this mentality may go on for one, or more, generations. These are the people who have yearned for wealth for so long, that embracing all aspects of luxury, which includes frequent travel, lavish homes in affluent neighborhoods, flashy vehicles, etc., will be their chosen life-path to happiness.
"If a person doesn't have purpose in life, they will wander aimlessly...SOE is creating a world of scatter-brained hippies." That was the second of many 'shots' fired by the Death Squad. Apparently, we should not be able to simply choose a life-purpose based on our true passion. Instead, we should be forced to put our passions aside - especially if said passion does not include, or lead to, material wealth, and prestige - in order to find work, for fear of destitution.
Again, ignoring the name, this category is for those who, rightfully, feel as though they’ve earned the privilege of being able to travel the world. After coming from a generational line of laborers who couldn’t afford to travel - either at all, or, as often as they’d have liked, these people do not want to be 'rooted' to one place, and 'stuck' doing the same thing everyday.
Despite being called "modern-day hippies", these, the-journey-is-the-destination, people, will be the ones who will live everywhere, and nowhere, at the same time. And, with the whole world to discover, they will be the ones who forego material wealth, and possessions, to instead, embrace their new-found freedom to spend their time doing whatever, and going wherever, they please, via their experiences. They'll be the future Documentarians: capturing, and posting, pictures, and videos, of exploring, learning about, and seeing, new cultures, tasting new foods, and having new adventures, in all kinds of new, and exotic, places. Those in this category may not technically own a home, but having limited responsibilities, and being financially-free to live life like 'a-rolling-stone-gathering-no-moss', will be their chosen life-path to happiness.
“Free money will make people even more squirrels hiding away nuts.” Death Squad shot number three, or twenty-three - I’d lost count by then. The Squirrel Category is for those with a tiny voice, at the backs of their minds, saying that free-flowing currency is too-good-to-be-true. Living in a state of constant waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop, also known as 'Poverty Mentality Remnants', will drive them to live as frugally as possible - squirrelling away the majority of incoming funds, for fear the cash-flow suddenly stops. These are the people who will be driven to establish family-name-bearing community businesses, more as a means of income-security, than out of true passion. Never-the-less, they will become the community staples - the owners/operators of the businesses which remain "in the neighborhood", for decades.
Aside from spending money to acquire things which provide stability, like: homes, and vehicles, along with the occasional vacation, and treat, or two, getting these people to spend funds beyond that for which they've carefully budgeted, will, indeed, be like attempting to 'thread-a-donkey-through-a-needle's-eye.' The Squirrel Category is the category under which I, admittedly, fall. The good news: while our businesses may survive, I don’t think our mentality will last longer than a single generation.
Now, there are practical reasons to maintain a certain amount of savings, but - I speak with authority on this subject - squirrelly obsession with dooms-day planning, goes beyond storing funds for end-of-life stages, such as future funeral costs, and family inheritance. Like every hoarder, squirrels find comfort in keeping their stash close to their chests. After a life-time of, struggle-to-earn-a-penny, hardships, squirrels sleep better in the new, "free-money", world, thanks to our new mantra: 'a-freely-gained-penny-saved-is-a-penny-earned'. The quiet security stemming from knowing that they’re, secretly, multi-millionaires, and will never struggle financially again - even if the money-flow suddenly stops, will be the chosen life-path to happiness for these people.
High-Horse Whisperers
This category is the one I’ve created for those who've put the rest of us into one of the afore-mentioned, crudely-named, categories. These, "the-Devil-finds-work-for-idle-hands", people, will, unabashedly, get on their high-horses, to look down on the rest of us, in shame, for wasting our lives on frivolity - a.k.a. 'following our passions', when we should be working. People in this category will have the hardest time adapting to change. Perhaps, it will be because they belong to the class of former-elites (the 'Haves'), who can no longer use their, what they will likely call, 'hard-earned', wealth, to acquire power, in order to live, and act, as they please - with impunity.
Or, maybe they'll find it hard to adjust in the new world because they are among the, now former, blue-collar workers (the 'Have-Nots'), who still struggle to break free of the conditioning - which happened over generations - that taught them to believe that the freedom to discover, and explore, what your talents truly are, what you're happiest doing, and how you can develop your skills, and then contribute those talents to your community, is only achieved at retirement. And, as they see it, retirement - which can be spent doing frivolous things - is "earned" only after a lifetime of hard work. As a result of this conditioning, there will be blue-collar workers who maintain a firm belief that ‘’a penny should be earned, NOT given”.
In either case, from atop their high-horses, these are the people who will chastise, preach, and whisper, to any, and all, below, about our blasphemous new world - without ever offering any concrete solutions for fixing the wealth disparities in the old world. Those in the former group - the former-elites - will soon go the way of the Dodo Bird. However, for those like my grand-parents, in the latter, blue-collar-worker, group, toiling away, not for the love of doing it, but for the discipline gained by doing it, coupled with the hope of not having to do it in the next, or "after", life, will always be the chosen life-path to 'contentment' for these people.
Whether you condone, or condemn, the idea of a free-flowing-currency society, the fact that wealth scarcity created world-wide, horror-show, catastrophes, cannot be denied - by anyone. And those catastrophes - all of which were highlighted by the recent global pandemic - are precisely what makes the afore-mentioned freedom so appealing. Focusing our energy on creating a better way of life, for now, and future generations, starts by turning the Myth-of-Scarcity into a footnote in human history. Every story, or 'lesson', from stuck-in-time-individuals who use the phrase “in my day”, begins with the word “Back”, a direction in which time - as we know it - does not march. Where focus goes, energy flows. And so, We - those living in the here-and-now - can focus our energy to either Evolve, or Repeat.