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SOE Health & Wellness-Care

SOE prefers to offer those within its network this-AND-that, versus this-OR-that, approaches to wellness. Who says the world of health-care only has room for traditional doctors, and medicines? Who declared, after centuries of being delivered in private homes by mid-wives, that all babies must now be born in hospitals? And, since blood testing, and typing, happens shortly after birth, why is "paternity-testing" not also a mandatory part of newborn screening following hospital births? Why is a mammogram, and a colonoscopy, not a choice, but mandatory procedures after specific ages, in certain countries? Why is it 'common practice' in developed countries, for informed, consenting, women, and men, from, at least, the age of twenty-one (21), to be denied tubal ligation, or a vasectomy, if requested - be they child-free, or not? 

SOE’s total health, and wellness-care network, is based on the principle that one should be able, depending on personal beliefs, preferences, and practices, to find, in the same building/community/field-of-colleagues: a traditional-practice Medical Doctor to treat the physical body with pharmaceutical medicines; a Homeopathic Doctor to treat the physical body with natural herbs, and plant medicines; a Psychiatrist (M.D.), and/or Psychologist (PsyD), to treat the mind; and a Reiki Master to treat life-force energy - as examples.

SOE Global Network Health & Wellness-Care is a full-service, global network of trained, and licensed, private-practice, professionals. The Health and Wellness-Care Network is broken down into four (4) Departments:


1. ​Clinical Services

2. Family & Wellness Services

3. Veterinary Services

4. Funeral Services


As a full-service network, health and wellness-care appointments may be In-Person Appointments, which occur either at patients’ homes, or at SOE Wellness Clinics, or Virtual Appointments, which happen online via web-chat.


Health and Wellness-Care is free for all in the SOE Global Network because SOE Wellness Clinics draw their revenue from local SOE Community Causes, which maintains the clinics’ annual operating budget. Necessary procedures/surgeries, drugs, and medications, administered while patients are admitted to/staying at SOE Wellness Clinics, are free. As well, all SOE Wellness Clinic Doctor-prescribed homeopathic medications are free.


*All elective surgeries/procedures are separately charged according to the practitioner. *


In addition to Virtual Appointments, Health and Wellness-Care In-Person Services are provided by SOE Wellness Clinic-Registered, licensed, professionals, in the following two (2) ways:


1. House-Call Appointments: Accompanied by ELS Officers who have been both practically, and clinically, trained, SOE Wellness Clinic-Registered Doctors, can be booked for home-visit appointments by their local SOE Global Network patients who are incapacitated. SOE Wellness Clinic-Registered Doctors are also On-Call for/in case of local emergencies during home-births.


2. SOE Wellness Clinic Appointments: SOE Wellness Clinics are private care, energy healing facilities, providing free services to registered patients in the local, and entire, SOE Global Network. There are both Mobile, and Grounded, SOE Wellness Clinics.


Mobile SOE Wellness Clinics are large land, sea, and sky, vessels, which have been retrofitted to serve as mobile hospitals, with all tools, and equipment, necessary to perform emergency surgeries, as well as facilitate post-operative rest, and recovery.


Grounded SOE Wellness Clinics are permanent land structures which feature roof-top Emergency Aircraft-Landing Pads, and first/ground floor access to the Emergency Services Department – with separate entrances for pedestrians, and ambulances, as well as separate Clinical Services Department, Family & Wellness Services Department, Veterinary Services Department, and Funeral Services Department, entrances.


Department #1 - Clinical Services:


The Clinical Services Department is comprised of, free-service, Doctors, and Specialists’, private-practice offices, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • General Practitioner/Family Doctors

  • Surgeons

  • Dermatologists

  • Nutritionists/Dieticians

  • Gynecologists-Obstetricians

  • Urologists

  • Oncologists

  • Proctologists

  • Geriatricians

  • Dentists (includes biannual check-ups & teeth-cleaning)

  • Optometrists (includes biannual check-ups)

  • Chiropractors

  • Podiatrists

  • Physiotherapists

  • Acupuncturists

  • Reiki Masters

*Special Procedure* NOTES: The practice of abortion, an elective procedure, is left up to the discretion of individual, licensed, medical professionals. However, since natural miscarriages usually occur within the first thirteen (13) weeks of pregnancy, abortions after that time frame, between fourteen (14), and sixteen (16) weeks of gestation, will require the patient to consult with, and be assessed by, a licensed Psychiatrist prior to, and in order to proceed with, the abortion procedure. Any, and all, abortions for persons under the age of eighteen (18) – minors – will require the patient(s) to consult with, and be assessed by, a licensed Psychiatrist, prior to, and in order to proceed with, the procedure. And, according to the Psychiatrist’s individual case-assessment, and especially if the patient(s) is/are under the age of fourteen (14), prenatal DNA may be harvested prior to the procedure for paternal DNA testing, and the Embassy Legal System (E.L.S.) may be called to investigate post-procedure. All within the SOE Global Network are advised to be responsible when it comes to reproduction, as unless in extreme/medical-emergency situations, abortions cannot be performed within the SOE Global Network beyond sixteen (16) weeks of gestation.

Similarly, the practice of elective gender reassignment surgery is left up to the discretion of individual, licensed, medical professionals. However, gender reassignment surgery requires patients to undergo a specified minimum number of licensed Psychiatrist-led Therapy Sessions, as well as pass a Psychiatric Assessment, prior to, and in order to proceed with, the surgical procedure. Gender reassignment surgeries cannot be performed within the SOE Global Network on any person(s) under the age of twenty-one (21), and/or on any person(s) who is not of sound mind and memory. One must be at least eighteen (18) years old for chemical castration, unless in extreme cases, and puberty blockers can only be prescribed in rare cases of 'precocious puberty'.

Department #2 - Family & Wellness Services:


The Family & Wellness Services Department is comprised of three (3) sub-departments:


  • Mental Health Department – This department is where all mental-health professionals, like Psychiatrists, and Psychologists, are found. Since the professionals in this department provide paid private-practice services, all in the SOE Global Network - minors included - receive a certain number of free, non-compoundable, Mental Health-Care Service Hours, every thirty (30) days. NOTE: All in the SOE Global Network, including minors, are entitled to two (2) hours of free Mental Health-Care Services per every thirty (30) days – breaks down to one (1) hour of free service/therapy every other week.

*Additional hourly services are separately charged according to the practitioner. *

(This means, to maintain ongoing, weekly, Therapy Sessions, clients need only pay for two (2) hours each month) 

  • Family Services Department – This department is full of licensed, free-service, professionals, like: Midwives; Night Nurses; and Elderly-Care Service Providers.

  • Social & Legal Services Department – This department is where all Legal Services, like Lawyers, and other Private Services, like DNA Testing & Cryogenic Storage Labs, can be found. Since Lawyers provide paid private-practice services, all in the SOE Global Network - minors included - receive a certain number of free, non-compoundable, Legal Service Hours, every thirty (30) days.


NOTE: All in the SOE Global Network, including minors, are entitled to: two (2) hours of free Legal Services per every thirty (30) days; one (1) free DNA Test per year; two (2) weeks of free Cryogenic Storage Services per month.


*Additional hourly/weekly, and independent, services are separately charged according to the practitioner/facility. *

Department #3 - Veterinary Services:


The Veterinary Services Department is where all animal-handling professionals, like: Veterinarians; RescuersBreeders; and Groomers, can be found. All Veterinary visits, and subsequent treatments, are free. This is also where to find separately-charged, paid, animal amenities, like: Pet Boarding; Pet Supply Stores; and Animal Pharmacies.

Department #4 - Funeral Services:


Final Rights-Ministers, as well as Funeral Accoutrement, like Caskets, and specialty Urns, can be found under the Funeral Services Department, which is the only department comprised of all-paid private services. SOE Wellness Clinic Funeral Home with attached Crematorium, located via separate entry, has separate spaces allowing for both private Viewings, and Cremation. SOE Wellness Clinic Funeral Home-hosted Final Farewell Ceremonies can be held on site, or via Web-Viewing. Additionally, SOE Wellness Clinics’ Funeral Homes offer Ashes to Heirlooms packages, which turns the ashes of cremated loved ones into precious stones, that can then be placed in, or on, jewelry, or other items.

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