Lyn-Ann Nelson
The Sky Is Falling?
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FIAT/Banking Collapse
In the case of a collapse of the current Banking System, also known as (a.k.a.), the Fiat Banking System, for those outside the SOE Global Network, stokens ($t.) are awarded simply by Signing-Up for a digital Guest Wallet (G.W.). Should a financial collapse occur between the years 2020 - 2025, all G.W.s will come with one thousand stokens (1,000$t.), each with their own Guest Wallet Number (G.W.#), and private Pass-Code.
The total amount in each Guest Wallet (G.W.), at the time of Sign-Up, will increase by five hundred stokens (500$t.) should a financial collapse occur between the years 2025 - 2030.
Also, Guest Wallet Numbers (G.W.#s) are automatically entered into the weekly Stoken Pool, which places each G.W.# into a group with six other G.W.#s, for a total of seven (7) G.W.#s per group. A ‘pool’ of stokens is created when one stoken (1$t.) is deducted everyday, from each of the seven (7) Guest Wallets (G.W.s). Assuming a collapse of fiat occurs between the years 2020 - 2025, then, at the start of each day (12am), the total amount in the pool (seven stokens – 7$t.) gets multiplied by one hundred and fifteen (7$t. x 115 = 805$t.), someone wins the “Stoken Pool”, and it goes on this way until every person in the pool, wins once every week - establishing a weekly 'Pay-Day' for everyone in the pool.
Again, should a financial collapse occur between the years 2025 - 2030, the total amount in the Stoken Pool will be multiplied, each day at 12am, by one hundred and thirty (7$t. x 130 = 910$t.)
Additional ways to earn Stokens ($t.):
Become an (SOE Affiliated Company) SAC-Independent Vendor = 200$t./week
Become an (SOE Affiliated Company) SAC-Subscriber = 0.5$t./week per subscription
Make an (SOE Affiliated Company) SAC-Purchase = 0.02$t./purchase