SOE Sports, Entertainment & Recreation
SOE Entertainment & Recreation:
SOE Entertainment, and Recreation, can be found across the entire SOE Global Network via the various entertainment, and leisure-focused, SACs (SOE Affiliated Company).
For example:
Theatre Performances
Video/Audio/Picture/Book & Short-Story-Sharing Platforms
Destination Attractions
Global Guest-Houses
SOE Team Sports:
All SOE Team-Sports are Mixed-Gender, in which, all post-op transgendered individuals are welcomed to participate/compete. No more than fifty-five percent (55%) of one gender can be on a team, and/or playing in a game.
For example: Football (soccer) teams can be composed of either eighteen (18), or twenty-three (23) players, which would mean no more than ten (10) players, in the case of an eighteen (18) player team, and no more than twelve (12) players, in the case of a twenty-three (23) player team, can be of a single gender.
Continuing the football/soccer example, as there are eleven (11) players from each team on the pitch (field) during official games, that means no more than six (6) players on the pitch/field, per team, can be of a single gender. Similarly, to ensure that biological advantages are not given to any one gender, there can be no more than one (1) post-op transgendered-person on a team, unless there is an equal number of both transgendered men, and transgendered women, on a team.
SOE Individual Sports:
SOE Individual/Gender-Specific Sports, in which all individuals are welcomed to participate/compete - men, women, pre-op trans-gendered men, pre-op trans-gendered women, post-op trans-gendered men, and post-op trans-gendered women - will be interesting to watch, as SOE Individual Sports Rules state that all competitors may only enter the Gender Category under which they were born.
For example: A pre, or post-op, Trans-Woman Boxer (a born-male who has transitioned into looking/presenting as female) may only enter into the Men’s Boxing Competition. And a pre, or post-op, Trans-Man Boxer (a born-female who has transitioned into looking/presenting as male) may only enter into the Women’s Boxing Competition.
SOE Individual Sports Rules, are to maintain fairness, and ensure that biological-males and biological-females are never pitted against one another in a head-to-head Sporting Competition.
Individual/Gender-Specific Sports examples:
Table Tennis
According to, and in spite of, SOE's currently-established parameters for Individual Sports, there could very well be a poster advertising a Sporting Match featuring what appears to be Man versus Woman.
For example: a Man (a born-male who is - looks/presents as - a Man), and a Trans-Woman (a born-male who transitioned into looking/presenting as a Woman), will both be registered as Competitors in the Male Category. The same could be said of a Woman (a born-female who is - looks/presents as - a Woman) competing against a Trans-Man (a born-female who transitioned into looking/presenting as a Man). Although both would be registered as Competitors in the Female Category, the poster would still appear as though the Match were Woman vs. Man.
No matter your personal opinions, between mixed-gender teams, and transgender-integration, the world of Sports - Team, and Individual - will get significantly more interesting for everyone to watch.